Menopause care Goodyear, AZ - Hormone Harmony Clinic

Understanding Menopause

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles. The key sign of menopause is 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause. This transition time can start several years before menopause. During perimenopause, estrogen levels become irregular, causing changes in menstrual flow and frequency, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal dryness, and emotional changes.

On average, women go through menopause around age 51 in the United States. However, it can happen anywhere between the ages of 40 and 55. Menopause occurs earlier for some groups of women, including smokers. Treatment is often necessary to manage troublesome symptoms and health risks during the menopause transition.

Our services

What Causes Menopause?

Menopause happens because of natural changes in a woman's reproductive cycle. The ovaries stop making the hormones estrogen and progesterone, causing irregular periods until they finally stop. Lower levels of estrogen and progesterone have widespread effects on the body. Bone loss accelerates and risk of heart disease goes up after menopause because of the absence of estrogen's protective effects.

Managing Symptoms

Many women have mild signs and symptoms of menopause, but others can be quite troublesome or even severe. The most common complaints include:

Treatment tailored to each woman's symptoms can help manage menopausal changes. Hormone therapy (HT) is the most effective option for relief of hot flashes and night sweats. Vaginal estrogen treats genitourinary problems effectively. Other prescription and over-the-counter medications or supplements may help with sleep, mood, or other issues.

Lifestyle adjustments can also ease some symptoms:

Benefits of Seeking Treatment at Hormone Harmony Clinic

The compassionate healthcare providers at Hormone Harmony Clinic offer comprehensive menopause management with an individualized approach focused on improving quality of life. We spend ample time listening and determining the optimal treatments to meet each patient’s needs during their hormone journey.

As a dedicated menopause and hormone therapy clinic, our practitioners have extensive training and expertise treating all stages of menopause. The latest medical research and advanced diagnostic testing inform our evidence-based protocols using bioidentical hormones, pharmaceuticals, and complementary therapies.

We provide complete care including:

Our goal is for patients to feel healthier, happier, and empowered as they transition through menopause. We walk this path together through open communication and compassion. Hormone Harmony Clinic exists to help women thrive before, during and after “the change!”

Reasons to Choose Hormone Harmony Clinic

What sets Hormone Harmony Clinic apart? Here are the top reasons patients choose us for their hormone therapy and menopausal treatment:

We welcome the opportunity to support women in the Goodyear area through education and individualized treatment during perimenopause, menopause and beyond. Contact Hormone Harmony Clinic today to schedule a new patient appointment!

Take control of menopause symptoms, contact Hormone Harmony Clinic now!

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance

The first step in developing an appropriate treatment plan is identifying any hormone deficiencies or excesses through testing.

Blood tests help assess levels of key hormones like estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, thyroid hormones T3 and T4, and more. However, blood testing has limitations detecting day-to-day fluctuations in hormones.

Why Saliva Testing?

Saliva hormone testing provides an accurate picture of bioavailable hormone levels. The DUTCH test specifically measures hormones in their active form without interference from proteins and other compounds.

Saliva testing has unique benefits:

These details offer crucial data for developing individualized, effective treatment plans. Hormone Harmony Clinic providers skillfully analyze saliva test results along with symptoms and health history to determine appropriate therapies.

We periodically recheck hormone levels to monitor patient progress and make dosage adjustments when necessary. Follow up testing ensures treatment efficacy and safety.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Therapy Approach

Once we complete diagnostic hormone evaluations, our practitioners thoughtfully determine the best therapies to resolve deficiencies, excesses and bothersome symptoms.

We offer cutting edge hormone therapy modalities using highest quality bioidentical hormones along with pharmaceutical options when appropriate. Treatment plans also integrate diet and lifestyle guidance for optimal response.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bioidentical hormones have a molecular structure identical to hormones made in the human body. They are chemically synthesized from plant compounds found in soybeans and wild yams. Hormone Harmony Clinic custom compounds prescription bioidentical estrogens, progesterone and testosterone creams or gels in our state of the art lab.

Benefits of bioidentical hormones:

We craft individualized bioidentical hormone preparations meeting each patient’s physiology using prescription strengths and ratios. This level of personalization makes treatment highly effective.

Estrogen Therapy

Declining or fluctuating estrogen levels drive most bothersome signs of menopause. Estrogen therapy effectively minimizes hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal changes, bone loss acceleration and heart disease risks.

We primarily use bioidentical 17 beta-estradiol (estradiol) which is the strongest natural estrogen. Estradiol therapy comes in many forms including pills, patches, gels, sprays and creams. Hormone Harmony Clinic commonly prescribes estradiol in cream form using varying strengths based on saliva testing and patient symptoms.

Some women need additional estrogens like estriol or estrone. Combination estrogen therapy provides synergistic benefits reducing the estradiol dose required. We also add pharmaceutical estrogen patches or tablets in appropriate cases.

Progesterone Therapy

Progesterone works together with estrogen throughout a woman’s reproductive life span. Healthy progesterone levels are essential for regular menstrual cycles and maintaining early pregnancy. Adding bioidentical progesterone counterbalances estrogen effects in the uterus. Estrogen therapy without progesterone can promote unhealthy tissue overgrowth and irregular bleeding.

Beyond supporting estrogen therapy, progesterone benefits bone building, brain health and improves some menopausal symptoms like anxiety, sleep disruption and weight gain stemming from estrogen dominance. We provide custom compounded bioidentical progesterone in capsule, oil or cream form. Pharmacy purchased progestins like Provera have harsher side effects profiles than bioidentical progesterone.

Testosterone Therapy

Female testosterone levels decline slowly over time, accelerating during perimenopause and after surgery or illness. Low testosterone contributes to sexual health issues like low desire and orgasmic dysfunction. It also impairs energy, sleep quality, emotional wellbeing, muscle tone and cognition.

Hormone Harmony Clinic prescribes custom topical testosterone creams or gels for women based on clinical evaluation and hormone testing. We carefully monitor therapy to achieve optimal levels improving wellbeing while avoiding risk of excess facial hair, acne or other masculinizing side effects. Used appropriately under the guidance of a menopause specialist, testosterone can greatly enhance women’s vitality and sexual health.

Thyroid Hormone Replacement

Many women develop low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism) during perimenopause or menopause. An underactive thyroid slows metabolism causing weight gain, fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance, dry skin and hair changes. We commonly prescribe bioidentical thyroxine (T4) or T3 to resolve low thyroid hormone levels preventing ongoing distressing symptoms and associated health risks.

Interesting fact

Studies show that healthy lifestyle changes like regular exercise, stress reduction, and dietary improvements can significantly ease common menopause symptoms. Simple self-care steps like keeping cool, practicing slow breathing, and cognitive reframing of hot flashes as "power surges" also empower women to take control during this transition.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Hormone Therapy Patients

Lifestyle adjustments provide critical foundation enhancing hormone therapy effectiveness while also reducing menopause symptoms independently. We provide patients evidence-based, practical recommendations in areas like fitness, nutrition, stress reduction and environmental exposures.

Regular Exercise

Weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercise offers multifaceted benefits:

We suggest a mix of aerobic, strength training and flexibility activities most days of the week adjusted to each patient’s physical abilities. Even light exercise like walking helps counteract many menopause changes. Seek guidance creating a realistic, sustainable fitness plan.

Healthy Eating

Nutrition powerfully impacts hormone levels, menstrual cycling and menopausal symptoms. We provide individualized eating plans centered on anti-inflammatory, whole foods nutrition adequate in key nutrients like calcium, Vitamin D, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. Stay well hydrated and minimize caffeinated beverages, added sugars, fried foods, processed carbs and alcohol which can heighten hot flashes and disrupt sleep. Adding soy foods like tofu, tempeh and edamame helps boost estrogen levels for some women.

Stress Reduction

Practicing stress resilience protects physical and emotional health during menopause:

Reduce Toxin Exposures

Environmental pollutants and chemicals in food contact materials, personal care items and household cleaners have estrogenic properties. Reducing exposures protects hormone balance and lowers risks for cancers and other diseases:

Supportive Health Care Providers

Communicating openly with compassionate doctors, nurses, counselors, fitness trainers etc. helps women feel confident proceeding through menopause. Hormone Harmony Clinic welcomes connections with patients’ other care providers to ensure seamless support.

Seek treatment at Hormone Harmony Clinic for personalized menopause care.

The Ideal Environment for Hormone Therapy Success

Peaceful surroundings, abundant recreation and a welcoming community make Goodyear an ideal location for restoring hormone balance and self-care during menopause.

Relaxing Atmosphere

Goodyear’s signature palm lined streets, beautiful parks and scenic mountain views set the stage for relaxation crucial for managing stress related symptoms. The slower pace lifestyle contrasting nearby metro Phoenix promotes the downtime menopause demands.

Places to Unwind

Recharge spent energy reserves visiting:

Fitness Opportunities

Getting regular exercise provides imperative symptom relief while also preventing weight gain and emotional volatility characteristic of shifting hormones. Goodyear offers functional training, group classes and scenic routes supporting sustainable workout habits.

Recommended Fitness Venues

Build strength, balance and camaraderie with classes at:

Take advantage of over 30 miles of multiuse trails interconnecting Goodyear’s neighborhoods for walking, jogging and biking away from traffic. The smooth paths winding through natural desert also create space for mindful movement and reflection.

Community Connections

Isolation and loneliness often accompany menopause, provoking sadness, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts. Building social bonds through local groups, activities and events generates comfort while navigating change.

Ways to Get Connected

Hormone Harmony Clinic also offers patient support groups online and in person providing community for discussing menopause challenges frankly within a caring atmosphere.

Importance of Timely Treatment

Getting appropriate treatment early when hormone changes start prevents progressive worsening of disruptive symptoms, health complications and reduced quality of life. We educate patients on recognizing subtle problems like sleep disruption, brain fog, thinning hair and mood changes as possible indicators of perimenopause.

Early management with lifestyle therapies and/or hormone supplementation helps:

We also highlight the critical nature of ongoing surveillance and modifying care in response to evolving hormone balance and shifting needs over the menopause transition spanning multiple years. Women benefit from partnering with knowledgeable healthcare providers specialized in menopause throughout the process.

Contact Hormone Harmony Clinic today to discuss personalized evaluation and treatment catering to your menopause symptoms and wellness goals. Our compassionate team looks forward to guiding you to happier, healthier hormonal balance.

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